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Letterkenny Seasons 1-11 Trivia

  Thursday, March 30 08:00 PM

  Burrito Union

Come together at BU for trivia every Thursday night with our host (and kitchen manager), Dawson!
This week's theme: There are 5000 people in Letterkenny. This is their trivia. Includes questions that span all 11 seasons.
Feeling smart? Play for a chance to win a prize valued up to $30- Trivia starts at 8pm!
Food/Drink specials include Jack Fire shot + People’s Pint for only $7 and 1/2 priced Russian Roulettes. Try out our new late night special and get 2 soft shell tacos for $5 from 8-10pm.
Located at 1332 E 4th St, Duluth, MN. Free parking in the lot across the street or behind the building.


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