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Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) returns to Superior, Wisconsin on Saturday April 12, 2025 at the Superior Curling Club!!!

The Superior Curling Club is located at 4700 Tower Avenue in Superior, Wisconsin right across from the Gondik Law Speedway!

  • Doors open at 5:00 p.m.
  • Fights start at 6:00 p.m.

**The show is estimated to run 3-4 hours based on how long each fight goes. It is difficult to give an accurate time ending of the event. Plan for 3-4 hours of awesome LIVE MMA ACTION**

Ticket prices are: $30 General Admission (Standing) $40 VIP Floor Seats (Chairs) 2nd Row VIP Tables ($480/ seats 8 people- $60 per seat) Call 920-475-7022 for a 2nd Row VIP Tables before they sell out

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